Movie Trailer: Avatar (take 2)

Did you see the first Avatar trailer?

Shit, wasn’t it?

I mean, to read the synopsis, you’d think James Cameron‘s ultra-hyped science fiction opus was going to be the best thing since Ellen Ripley climbed into a cargo loader exosuit and squared off against one big Alien momma; to watch the first trailer, you’d think it was an attempt by Pixar to knock Cars off the top of the “Our Worst Films” list.

With the previous marketing team presumably staked out and left for the facehuggers, trailer number two rolls around and attempts to set the record straight.

For me, they’ve certainly gone some way towards rekindling my excitement about the film. It’s majestic, without being over-the-top, and hints at both the film’s story and level of action without ramming either down your throat.

Moreover, this will be Sam Worthington‘s chance to show us what he’s capable of without having a shameless screen-hog barking his performance to pieces.

What do you think?

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1 Comment

  1. the new sci-fi weapons they designed for this movie look pretty sweet – also, is it me, or does one of those army guys look exactly like Ryan Secrest?

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