Look, I’m just going to come out and say it: I hated Shrek. The first one and all its lousy sequels. Maybe it’s that I was already sick of Mike Myers’ ‘Scottish’ accent long before the first Shrek came out, or that I can’t stand Eddie Murphy, or that the goofy animation style really bugged […]
Movie Trailer: How To Train Your Dragon
Movie Trailer: The Cup Of Tears
It’s Kill Bill meets 300 in this new trailer for forthcoming sci-fi/samurai extravaganza The Cup Of Tears. Shot in Ireland, using a RED digital camera and directed by newcomer Gary Shore, the film seems steeped equally in magic and technology. The trailer is heavy on style and action, but will the story – apparently about […]
Movie Trailer: George Romero’s ‘Survival Of The Dead’
OK, so the last two Romero zombie films (Land Of The Dead, then Diary Of The Dead) were pretty terrible, but I’m still willing to give him another chance. Judging by this trailer, he’s not doing anything mind-blowing in the originality stakes, but the characteristic dark humour is there, alongside the almost slapstick level of […]
Movie News: Warren Ellis’ ‘Black Summer’ coming to the big screen?
Apparently, Ryne Pearson (script writer on the film Knowing) is due to write a screenplay for an adaptation of Warren Ellis‘ limited series Black Summer. The story follows an original superhero team known as ‘The Seven Guns’, a group of young inventors who have enhanced their bodies through scientific modification, giving them immense power. Once […]
Game On: Borderlands (PC)
Format: Xbox 360, Windows PC. Rating: BBFC, 18 / ESRB, M Borderlands is a hybrid first person shooter and role-playing game, dubbed the first ever ‘Role Playing Shooter’ by developer Gearbox. Set in a futuristic environment on a desolate planet known as Pandora, the game focuses on the quest to uncover a mythical vault somewhere […]