Tron: Legacy in HD
Trailer Park Movies | MySpace Video
Here’s a new trailer for Tron Legacy, highlighting the disappearance of Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), the protagonist of the original Tron film. Flynn’s son Sam (Garrett Hedlund of Troy and Eragon fame) receives a clue as to his father’s whereabouts and goes in search of the man he hasn’t seen in 25 years. What awaits him is beyond anything he could have imagined.
I must admit, I wasn’t too sure about this film when it was announced. However, if the visual style and atmosphere of the trailer is anything to go by, Tron Legacy looks set to be one of the most impressive and epic sci-fi blockbusters of recent times. Looking like the kind of film done a disservice when viewed on a small screen, it may well be worth shelling out a few quid extra to see it in 3-D at an IMAX.