Here’s a sneak peek at the forthcoming action-adventure game based on the Transformers franchise, which is due out at some point in 2010. Annoyingly over-done camera ‘distortion’ aside, it looks pretty much as you’d expect from the never-ending series of CGI-heavy games, movies and television shows. To my knowledge, there’s never been a Transformers game […]
Game Trailer: Transformers: The War for Cybertron
Game Trailer: Mass Effect 2
For those of you who haven’t played the original action-roleplayer Mass Effect, I suggest you take full advantage of the various cut-down deals being offered on the frankly brilliant sci-fi sprawler right now. With some dedication, you may actually finish it before the sequel comes out, but there are no guarantees. Mass Effect 2 promises […]
Video Spotlight: Mario does Queen’s ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’
Has watching a video ever caused you to shake your head and exclaim “Clearly they have too much free time!”, though you are secretly jealous of the sheer awesomeness involved in creating such a spectacle? Well, prepare to have whatever video you currently hold as “most incredible ever” banished to a distant memory by this […]
Game On: Left 4 Dead 2 (PC)
Format: Xbox 360, Windows PC. Rating: BBFC, 18 / ESRB, M The lads and lasses at Valve had a two-fold problem on their hands when producing the sequel to last year’s Left 4 Dead. Firstly, they had to be able to top what is easily the best zombie survival game ever released; secondly, they had […]
Video Spotlight: Luckiest kill ever in MW2
No, no, I see it now. He totally meant for that to happen.
Game On: Borderlands (PC)
Format: Xbox 360, Windows PC. Rating: BBFC, 18 / ESRB, M Borderlands is a hybrid first person shooter and role-playing game, dubbed the first ever ‘Role Playing Shooter’ by developer Gearbox. Set in a futuristic environment on a desolate planet known as Pandora, the game focuses on the quest to uncover a mythical vault somewhere […]
Games: Avoider
There’s a strange man wearing an orange snuggy, and he wants your mouse pointer. Who is he? What drives him to do the things he does? It’s rumoured that if you can keep your mouse pointer safe for more than three hours, everything will become clear. Avoid doing important things today, and give Avoider a […]
Game On: New Left 4 Dead 2 trailer ‘leaked’ online!
Showcasing the four new survivors, some of the new Infected and the brand of humour we’ve come to expect from the L4D team, this new trailer should go some way toward cooling the anger over the perceived abandonment of the original game, which itself was released just under a year ago. Personally, I’m already sold. […]
On The Game, and how you play It
For those of you who are not familiar with the phenomenon known simply as The Game: welcome! You’re in for a treat. For those of you who are familiar with It: HA HA! You lose! Pass it on. The Game is one of those things that you can easily spend too much time thinking about, […]