All posts tagged red meat

Top 10s: Webcomics

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have developed a healthy outer skin of cynicism during your time on this planet. By learning how to laugh at the utter ridiculousness of the universe at times, you will insulate yourself from the true horror of the fact that we’re all strapped to a chunk of watery dirt as it pirouettes around a honking great fireball flying through space and NOBODY – not the scientists, nor the philosophers, nor the Pope – can say for certain where we’re all headed, and why (if there even is a why).

So then, laughter! You can either choose the knuckle-chewing, wild-eyed laughter of the certifiably insane; or, like me, the quiet, knowing chuckle of the man who appreciates the occasional futility of the times we live in.

So don’t let the creeping suspicion that we are governed by an amoral, self-serving, shit-for-brains shower of bastards get you down! Laugh long, and laugh loud at this specially-prepared Top 10 of the finest web-based comics of all time. Each of them selected for their subtle blend of observational wit, irony and occasional graphic violence.

  • February 2025
    M T W T F S S