More “Britain is a Christian Nation” bollocks, plus meet my new hero

(Image source: clemente‘s flickr stream.)

I tend to shy away from debates involving the Daily Mail. Anyone with more than half a brain cell knows it’s a hateful, vindictive propaganda-sheet better suited for post-fecal hygiene. Usually when a person I know posts or tweets about some piece of sputum masquerading as a Mail article, it’s a given that the contents will disquiet, if not enrage those of us who understand and embrace such concepts as objectivity, intolerance and common sense; after all, flabbergasted liberals must constitute a significant portion of the Mail’s own website traffic, so it’s in their best interests to incense us to the best of their abilities.

Every now and then, however, the Mail manages to aggravate me enough for the mask of calculated indifference to slip a fraction. A friend posted a link to a recent editorial which criticised the National Secular Society for suggesting that antiquated laws enforcing “broadly Christian” worship in schools be scrapped. In a move that would make ‘Mox’ News ubercunt ‘Mill O’Meilly’ proud, the Mail throws in with Jesus, suggesting that the democratic process is “at the mercy” of advocates of the Human Rights Act. That’s right, folks! Forcing people to engage in Christian worship regardless of their faith (or lack of it) is something that “in this paper’s view” is something that should continue ad infinitum, human rights be damned.

The comments section of the Mail’s website is always a mixed bag, the quality of which is usually dependent on how many times someone on Twitter posted the link out of bemusement. This particular article had an inspired comment that warrants sharing:

“Leave aside that the law [forcing Christian worship in schools] is widely ignored (a matter for deep regret, in this paper’s view).”

Oh is it really! Well let me explain something to you. When I voted last, I cannot remember voting for the Daily Mail or seeing it mentioned on the ballot paper anywhere. In other words what you think is of no more importance than what my next door neighbour thinks or his cat for that matter. You are supposed to be reporting the news, not trying to push religion onto other people or worse still other people’s children. I and my partner are perfectly capable of deciding what religious beliefs or lack of them our children should follow, and we don’t need your help or the state sticking their nose into the matter, thank you very much. What is this 1810 or 2010?

Alan Bellis from Hull, my hat is off to you sir. Nail on the head.

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