All posts for the day November 25th, 2009

Movie Trailer: Ninja Assassin (red band)

For those who missed the first Ninja Assassin trailer I posted last month, fear not! This latest offering brings even more ninja action than its predecessor, complete with buckets of blood and enough unbelievable slow-motion killshots to keep even the most voracious fan of over-the-top action flicks satisfied. I doubt it’ll win any awards for […]

Video Spotlight: Mario does Queen’s ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’

Has watching a video ever caused you to shake your head and exclaim “Clearly they have too much free time!”, though you are secretly jealous of the sheer awesomeness involved in creating such a spectacle? Well, prepare to have whatever video you currently hold as “most incredible ever” banished to a distant memory by this […]

Video Spotlight: Plane Stupid and the polar bears

In this surreal anti-airflight video by campaigners Plane Stupid, we’re told that the average European flight produces 400kg of greenhouse gas per passenger, which works out at roughly the same as an adult polar bear. Not sure the motif really drives home the point, but the video is certainly striking and is bound to get […]