Movie Trailer: Alice In Wonderland

Well here it is, then. A brand new trailer for Tim Burton‘s upcoming update of the old classic, and it looks – for lack of a better adjective – rather timburtony. The usual suspects are here – Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter – alongside a strong and suitably kooky cast including Crispin Glover, Alan Rickman and Stephen Fry.

Relative newcomer Mia Wasikowska plays the title role of Alice, who returns to Wonderland many years after her original adventure. She finds the place overrun by the army of the Red Queen (Bonham Carter) and the vile Jabberwock (Rickman).

The animated style of the film includes many characters wearing exaggerated masks of the actor providing their voice; none more obviously than the Red Queen, whose grossly oversized head compared to her diminutive frame gives the despot a somewhat ridiculous appearance to go along with her irritating manner.

I’m still not sure about this film. I mean, the trailer shows the full cast you might expect from any faithful revisit to Wonderland, and the cast is as exceptional as we’ve come to expect from your average Burton fare. But as recent experience has shown us, even a great premise and decent cast can leave you feeling short changed (Sweeney Todd, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).

The film is out in March 2010.

Film Poster: Tron Legacy

Disney have released the first promotional poster for Tron Legacy, directed by newcomer Joseph Kosinski. The film stars Garrett Hedlund, mostly known for his supporting roles in films such as Troy and Eragon.

The main character is the son of the original Tron protagonist (Jeff Bridges reprising his role), who mysteriously disappears near the start of the sequel. This prompts a return to the cyber-world of the first movie, which has grown more spectacular – and dangerous – than ever before.

Tron Legacy will be released near the tail end of 2010.

Game Trailer: Transformers: The War for Cybertron

Here’s a sneak peek at the forthcoming action-adventure game based on the Transformers franchise, which is due out at some point in 2010.

Annoyingly over-done camera ‘distortion’ aside, it looks pretty much as you’d expect from the never-ending series of CGI-heavy games, movies and television shows. To my knowledge, there’s never been a Transformers game worth playing, but with so much scope, backstory and potential for a great game you’d think they’d get it right eventually.

Let’s hope The War For Cybertron kicks some metal ass, instead of making us pine for the bloody Go-Bots.

Source: GiantBomb.

Film Poster: Iron Man 2 (Whiplash)

I’ll be honest: I was fully expecting Mickey Rourke‘s Whiplash to skirt the wrong side of the ‘campy villain’ line in the forthcoming Iron Man 2. Previous images of his costume helped diminish my cynicism somewhat, and the above poster has completely blown it out of the water.

It’s stuff like this that helps me to remember that for every Animal Factory there is a Sin City, and for every Stormbreaker there is a The Wrestler. This film should, by rights, be an absolute blinder.

Source: Cinematical.

Game Trailer: Mass Effect 2

For those of you who haven’t played the original action-roleplayer Mass Effect, I suggest you take full advantage of the various cut-down deals being offered on the frankly brilliant sci-fi sprawler right now. With some dedication, you may actually finish it before the sequel comes out, but there are no guarantees.

Mass Effect 2 promises to expand on the hugely successful and critically-lauded first game by adding to the highly detailed multi-species cast. The new vocal talent on offer here includes fan favourites such as Michael Dorn from Star Trek: TNG, Tricia Helfer and Michael Hogan from the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, and Adam Baldwin from Firefly. All in all, a true sci-fi fan geek-gasm.

This teaser trailer gives us a sneak peak at some of the new squad members, with a full-length trailer to follow later this month. Without a doubt, I’m already sold on this game. I only hope it can live up to the standard set by its predecessor.

Mass Effect 2 ships in January 2010.

Movie Trailer: The Crazies

George Romero’s original The Crazies was a characteristically allegorical piece regarding a small town struck down with a highly infectious biological weapon that sends ordinarily peaceful folk into a psychotic, murderous rage. The focus was divided between the actions of a zealous military force attempting to control the outbreak, and a number of survivors who were trying to get out of the town alive. It received middling reviews and did poorly at the box office.

Despite this, Breck Eisner – formerly attached to the cancelled Creature From The Black Lagoon remake – is now directing a remake of Romero’s 1973 effort. Judging from the trailer, The Crazies will rely heavily on jumpy horror clichés, and it wouldn’t really surprise me if they left behind a most of the socio-political commentary of the original.

That said, I like Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell, and the trailer’s got a lot of atmosphere. It’s got the potential to be a decent enough action-horror flick, so I’ll file this under ‘watch’ for now.

The Crazies will be unleashed in February 2010.

Film Poster: Smash Cut

Sasha Grey (a name I’m guessing more men than women will recognise) continues her foray into bona fide acting with Smash Cut, a manic comedy-horror from cult Canadian director Lee Demarbre.

The film stars several luminaries of the slasher/exploitation genre, and with a plot that centres on a horror movie director whose severed limb ‘props’ are a little too realistic (ooh, meta!), I think it’s safe to say that Ms. Grey will have to wait a little longer for those oscar nominations to start rolling in.

Source: GeekTyrant.

Movie Trailer: Clash Of The Titans

A new trailer for Clash Of The Titans has been, well, not officially released, but it’s out there nonetheless.

While it’s just as heavy on scorpionocity (it’s a word now, all right?!) as its predecessor, the new trailer introduces us to more of the mythology, including the Olympians in full-on bicker mode, as well as action shots of Pegasus, the harpies and a big ol’ monster reveal at the very end.

I have a feeling this is going to be one of those films you just have to see on the big screen if you can.


Video Spotlight: Continually updated, hand-drawn timepiece

Way to have your art immortalised.

This clock features moving images of its creator continually re-drawning the hands in order to keep the time displayed up to date. I suppose the novelty might wear off eventually, but still… what a great idea!

Source: Neatorama.

Video Spotlight: Michael Bay directs Victoria’s Secret ads (no, really)

Quick! Imagine Transformers 2 as a lingerie ad! What? A robot in a bra? I give up.

Anyway, moving swiftly on, it turns out Michael Bay has been directing adverts for Victoria’s Secret for a while now, but this one takes the brain-dead, action cliché-ridden cake.

Not sure about the ladies (Okay, lady. Okay, mum!) reading, but I reckon it’ll shift a few units to the men who slip into a shopper’s coma long enough to locate the website and dig out their credit card.

Source: Cinematical.

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