All posts tagged humour

Video Spotlight: Peaches Geldof says “Like” sometimes

Here, the multi-talented daughter of everyone’s favourite drunken sweary Irish singer and charity concert aficionado (that isn’t Bono) demonstrates her uncanny turkey impression.

Video Spotlight: 50 worst videogame voice-overs

I’ve found my new calling in life. If this is the standard of vocal talent required to get work in the video game industry, this time next year I’ll be the most successful voice actor in history. I’m talking to you, Miyamoto! You too, Kojima!

How do you like them appelles?

Insufferable UK dishrag The Sun manages to do the one thing its critics could not, and in one fell swoop puts a lid on the gutter-politicking over Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s accidental mis-spelling of a soldier’s name on a letter of condolence. Hopefully now we’ll see an end to the matter, yeah? And the paper? […]

Video Spotlight: Shatner Reads Levi Johnston

In this clip from a recent episode of Conan O’Brien’s The Tonight Show, William Shatner follows up a previous performance of Sarah Palin’s Twitter posts, this time lampooning the father of Palin’s granddaughter, Levi Johnston. With the aid of a double bassist and bongo player, Shatner lays down some beat poetry-style tweeting from the mind […]

Comics: Nedroid Picture Gallery, “Murdercat”

Silent Film: Drunkest Guy Ever

CCTV footage of some drunken guy staggering around a supermarket and causing chaos, set to the music (and style) of a black and white silent film. Not sure if the original is genuine footage or a set-up, but it’s funny either way.

Every CSI episode ever, condensed

Courtesy of Make My Mood.

Top 10s: Webcomics

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have developed a healthy outer skin of cynicism during your time on this planet. By learning how to laugh at the utter ridiculousness of the universe at times, you will insulate yourself from the true horror of the fact that we’re all strapped to a chunk of watery dirt as it pirouettes around a honking great fireball flying through space and NOBODY – not the scientists, nor the philosophers, nor the Pope – can say for certain where we’re all headed, and why (if there even is a why).

So then, laughter! You can either choose the knuckle-chewing, wild-eyed laughter of the certifiably insane; or, like me, the quiet, knowing chuckle of the man who appreciates the occasional futility of the times we live in.

So don’t let the creeping suspicion that we are governed by an amoral, self-serving, shit-for-brains shower of bastards get you down! Laugh long, and laugh loud at this specially-prepared Top 10 of the finest web-based comics of all time. Each of them selected for their subtle blend of observational wit, irony and occasional graphic violence.

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