All posts tagged nature

Video Spotlight: Plane Stupid and the polar bears

In this surreal anti-airflight video by campaigners Plane Stupid, we’re told that the average European flight produces 400kg of greenhouse gas per passenger, which works out at roughly the same as an adult polar bear. Not sure the motif really drives home the point, but the video is certainly striking and is bound to get […]

Say hello to the vegetarian spider!

Scientists in Central America have documented a species of jumping spider, dubbed Bagheera kiplingi which, unlike any of the other approximately 40,000 known species of spider in the world, has forsaken a diet of paralysed, liquified animals and embraced an almost exclusively plant-based repast. But fear not, salad-lovers. The leaping arachnid isn’t interested in your […]

  • February 2025
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